May 06, 2009
A talent for avoidance
So here I am at work. Which is kinda stress free for the nonce.
I know, I know, you're getting tired of hearing about the end of the secret stressful thing, which, if I explain it, pretty much gives away my anonymity. It being a momentous enough event so as to be googleable (and yes, that IS a word.)....
I have a pretty major project I am supposed to be working on right now. As in at this moment. It's a PPT presentation for a meeting next Tuesday about the work of a task force I was in charge of. So I need to do it now so I can get feedback from the other membrs of our group before Tuesday. See, I am trying to be responsible.
Also, all hell hasn't broken loose yet this week, so I thought I'd try to get ahead of the curve for a change. As if.
And yet, here I sit, at the blog, at twitter, and at facebook. Pissing away my time. I rationalize: you work better under a deadline.... you're working it all out in your subconscious (I actually believe this to be true)....
You can't believe the shit I have invented for myself today. I cleaned up my desktop on my computer, I made coffee, I organized folders under "My Documents" so that it's easier to find specific files rather than scanning a large number of filenames in one folder.
Big hint: if I'm organizing or cleaning either 1) I'm avoiding something else, or 2) the mess has increased beyond my ability to quickly find what I am looking for.
In the meantime, my phone chimes Dr. Horrible at me (the harp interlude from "everything you ever...") telling me that yet another work-related email demands my attention. Crap.
Guess I should work after all. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can be off to the pool, and the less work I'll need to do tonight between rehearsal and jam making (Strawberry).
It is pool weather this weekend. Better get it all done so you're not stuck in the house.
Posted by: Retired Navy CPO at May 8, 2009 05:58 AMI often do the same thing, procrastinating with little projects that can wait instead of diving head-first into those that can't! Good luck with your presentation.
Posted by: Pasadena Closet Conservative at May 8, 2009 04:09 PM