November 04, 2008
Well, it's over for me anyway. As of 7:15 this morning.
Our polling place is at a little church a block or so away, and we thought the lines would be small this morning, so we decided to chance it.
Arriving at just before 6:45, this is what we found:

The mother and daughter directly in front of us (blue and black jacket, respectively) were perusing the Democrat Voter Guide, which irked the crap out of my husband. He kept muttering "think for yourself!" and "know what you're voting for" under his breath...
According to the numbers on our ballot stubs we were #29 and #30 to vote at our precinct. It took about 30 minutes to get to the door, where the check in was, and to get through the ballot. Then I had to wait because the lady in front of me (in the blue jacket, above) voted twice on Prop 10, so she had to decide whether to re-vote a new ballot, or just ask the computer to accept her ballot and NOT count her Prop 10 votes (she decided for the latter).... In any case, we were both done by 7:20, and despite the worst morning traffic I've ever seen in The 'Dena (two Sigalerts on the 210 so everyone was on the streets!), I got hubby to school on time and I am back home prepping for my lecture this afternoon. Or at least I will be as soon as I finish this post and get my bagel out of the toaster.
Go vote. It doesn't matter who or what you vote for, as long as you vote your conscience. I did.

I was lucky number 7. I showed up a half hour early, I am usually number 1 but oh well.
Posted by: Jenn at November 4, 2008 10:59 AM