January 21, 2009

Kiss Me, I'm Irish

Scots-Irish.  But I digress.  Seems O'bama is too.  In fact, according to the Corrigans, there's no one as Irish as Barack O'bama. I thought this was hilarious.

h/t the always awesome Helen who is getting pretty tired of hearing this in the UK

Posted by caltechgirl at January 21, 2009 11:47 PM | TrackBack

I know it should seem un-PC, but it's actually ok and very funny. It's true, I'm kinda over it, but I laughed when I first heard it.

Posted by: Helen at January 22, 2009 03:43 AM


Posted by: Jenn at January 22, 2009 02:11 PM

Catchy little tune isn't it. I could easily see it being overdone just because of that. LOL.

Posted by: Teresa at January 26, 2009 12:38 PM