September 22, 2008

Funny, I was going to blog something

Damn cold medicine. It makes me loopy, so just a few quick takes for y'all

It has become increasingly clear to me that the Democrats are scared shitless of Sarah Palin. The sheer amount of vitriol being flung around (BTW, anyone know what vitriol REALLY is?) combined with the increasing hysteria about the fact that they can find any dirt that seems to stick is becoming increasingly laughable. Memo to the MSM: when hardcore BDS suffering Liberals begin to feel that the all-out, anti-Sarah barrage is TOO much, it's time to back off. And on a related note, so what if Sarah won't sit don for yet another hit-piece interview? Who said she had to let you piss in her sandbox? Or that she had to play your game? Especially when the rules change more frequently than Calvinball and the only thing that stays the same is that Sarah loses...

ESPN makes me happy. Not sure why, but there's really something comforting about being able to turn on something on the TV that sounds like the news, but won't make me scream and throw things at the TV. I need the "audio/visual wallpaper" when I'm working. Usually I have FoxNews or the local news on, but I just am so tired of knowing more about the story being reported than the editor or reporter who write and read the news scripts.

Anyone else think Kenley's dress on Project Runway last Wednesday looked like something Betty would wear on Ugly Betty? Yeah, me too.

Fake sudafed is for shit. It works about 1/10 as well as the real stuff, and they don't make the formulation that works for me with the real stuff any more. AARRGH. So I suffer. Benedryl ain't cutting it either, and I am sneezing every 5 minutes. Not to mention waking up every 45 minutes and sleeping badly in between...

Just waiting to see if shit rains down on my head about coming home early. I met all my responsibilities for the day, I taught my class and picked up HW and went to my meeting, where I also sat far away from everyone so I wouldn't give them germs.

I still have a hell of a lot of work to do, and a million small personal things to get taken care of. But I think it's nappy nap time.

Two quick links before I go:
1. Check out the investigative journalism done by the fine folks at My Pet Jawa regarding anti-Palin "viral" videos

2.wRitErsbLock went to see the Sarah Palin rally at the Villages, FL this weekend, check out her pictures.

Posted by caltechgirl at September 22, 2008 01:11 PM | TrackBack

I hope you feel better....

And I LIKE that Palin doesn't play by other people's rules and that there is no dirt on her. Says a lot, doesn't it?

Posted by: Lauren at September 23, 2008 12:18 AM

I believe "vitriol" is an old (apothecaries') name for sulfuric acid.

I am so ****ing sick of all the ugliness. Of the fact that ordinary Joes and Janes seem to be rejoicing in the fact that they can somehow claim they're "better" than Palin, because of some trait she has that seems "weird" to them, because they're city-folk.

I'm actually a little scared of what's going to happen November 5th, after McCain wins, when all the Obamites have to find someone to blame. Because "your candidate just wasn't what America wanted" is not something they will accept, at least not the more outspoken ones. Expect a lot more claims of "racism."

Posted by: ricki at September 23, 2008 05:41 AM

Can't do ESPN. If I need noise I'll put on the radio one of the music stations from Dish.

Posted by: NAVY CPO at September 23, 2008 09:26 AM

I can't believe people like Palin. She has no respect for women's rights, doesn't care about the beautiful environment that she had the fortune to grow up in, and has absolutely no experience at all!

Posted by: Hates Palin at September 23, 2008 09:49 AM

Really? Which rights are those? The right to vote, work, have children, participate in the system? I submit that the women's rights movement was about everything that Sarah Palin stands for, and NOT about the right to end a pregnancy.

As for her environment, polar bears are returning to dangerous-to-human levels, and the moose and caribou are flourishing near the pipelines. I suggest you do your homework.

Finally, don't even try to pull the experience card. Name me one instance where Obama (who, I might add is the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, not the VP candidate)has had to make an executive decision outside the running of his family. I'd say being Governor, and mayor, presentes Sarah with a lot of opportunities to understand what running the show is like. Obama hasn't even served in a leadership role in the senate.

Posted by: caltechgirl at September 23, 2008 09:56 AM


Posted by: Dave J at September 24, 2008 08:17 PM