February 14, 2007

Because the night....

If the timestamp on this thing posts even remotely correctly, you'll see that it's well after 1am here on the left coast.  Although the insomnia is a constant presence, I was holding it at bay pretty well over the last few weeks courtesy of some sleepytime allergy meds that were helping me get to sleep.  Then this sinus thing came along, with Phinneas Gage pain.  Literally.  I've thought about bashing in the left side of my face more than once in the last week.  It has to be less painful than what has been keeping me up at night.

And really, that's why I went to the damn doctor at all.  I hate fucking doctors, really.  They always want to tell me that they know more than I do about what's wrong with me.  Really, ego man?  Living in my body doesn't give me any clues?  Not to mention that I have TAUGHT doctors before.  Nervous system of the head and neck.  Just happens to be my specialty.

Either that or they want to shit on me for being fat.  Guess what?  That's an easy answer, but it's wrong.  WRONG.  My heart's good, my BP is good, my load-bearing joints are healthy, and frankly, none of that has ANYTHING to do with why my fucking face hurts, thank you very much.

So it's taken me a while to actually go in and see someone.  In fact, I hadn't even been to a primary care doc since before I left NC.  I've been seeing my EXCELLENT, KICK-ASS rheumo like clockwork for a year, and I've been for my annual girly parts checkup, but I've never had a reason to see anyone else.  So I put it off until I couldn't put it off any more.

I actually liked the doc.  I liked that she sat and talked to me for a few minutes, that she seemed interested in making sure the RA was getting taken care of, and that she didn't seem to be in a rush to put me out on the street again.

But I digress.  Evidently the little troll in my ear decided it doesn't like broad spectrum antibiotic therapy.  It is currently throwing a tantrum in my left ear that feels like my teeth are turning to molten lava and my jaw is about to follow suit, and then everything is going to drain out my ear canal.  So I'm propped up on the couch, trying to drink warm chai tea and relax enough to do some meditative breathing in addition to the pain pills I took earlier.  Hopefully that will put the monster off.  It worked this afternoon, but the pain wasn't so intense.

I really don't know how people handled shit like this before good damn drugs.

On the other hand, I think I now know why Van Gogh cut off his ear.


Posted by caltechgirl at February 14, 2007 01:26 AM | TrackBack

.... ouch.... get well soon.... and keep denying the urge to lop off your ear!...

Posted by: Eric at February 14, 2007 05:25 AM

Oh sweetie, I hope you feel better soon.


Posted by: wRitErsbLock at February 14, 2007 05:26 AM

Arrrrghhh! Thinking of you... Hope you're feeling better soon.

Posted by: Paul Burgess at February 14, 2007 06:19 AM

Oh man... that bites. I hope you don't have to put up with that much longer!

Posted by: Marie at February 14, 2007 06:23 AM

Either that or they want to shit on me for being fat.

California fat, or Wisconsin fat? Weight seems to be the catch-all cause of everything these days, perhaps because the doctors don't have to do anything to treat it?

Phinneas Gage pain

Holy cow! Talk about your splitting headaches.

Posted by: Aaron at February 14, 2007 07:37 AM

Okay, my teeth are hurting in sympathy for you. Having had migraines since childhood (cluster migraines around my right eye) I literally can "feel your pain". I hope the antibiotics kick in quick and get rid of the nasties so your head doesn't hurt anymore. {{{gentle hugs}}}

Posted by: Teresa at February 14, 2007 08:07 AM

We had the cement-sinus from hell last week. It got up to a 102+ fever during the Memorial Service for my FIL before subsiding, but the drainage continued and the brain-ache. I started popping guaifenesin tablets (generic mucinex) and that began to relieve the pressure - still getting the snap-crackle-pop in the cranium and ear though, and the taste-buds are shot - beer doesn't taste any good and that's a crime against Spaten. However the 2-buck Chuck Shiraz is ok.
Happy Valentine's Day anyhow.

Posted by: DirtCrashr at February 14, 2007 08:50 AM