August 30, 2007

My Movies

Both my darling blogchild and the crew at Dean's World have been hashing out a list of movies you can see over and over again.

I have a few of those myself.  In our house they're called "Movies I can fall asleep to".

See I have this thing with movies.  If they get really predictable, or really embarrassing for the main character, I skip it.  Fast Forward, skip, turn off, you name it.  I won't sit through it.  Consequently, there are VERY FEW movies I can sit through more than once without skipping through, let alone enjoy over and over and over. 

The funny thing is, those movies somehow migrate to the bedroom.  I'm a slow-sleep insomniac, and (like everything else with me) contrary to the usual advice of removing distractions from the sleep zone (aka no TV in the bedroom), TV actually distracts my brain enough to let me fall asleep.  Especially things I've seen before.  So we have a rotating stash of movies that live in the DVD player in the bedroom and get pressed into service in conjunction with the 90 minute sleep setting on the TV just about every night.

So, without further ado, movies I can sleep to:

White Christmas
Blazing Saddles
Star Wars
Return of the Jedi
Fellowship of the Ring (either disk 1 or 2; but not Twin Towers.  I always want to skip the "Sam and Frodo" parts too much)
Return of the King (Disk 2 works better... less Sam and Frodo)
Kill Bill vol 1
Kill Bill vol 2
The Blues Brothers
South Park
Team America
A Christmas Story
Fiddler on the Roof
Disney's Robin Hood

I'm certain there are more, but these are the ones currently in the DVD case in the bedroom.

Posted by caltechgirl at August 30, 2007 07:06 PM | TrackBack