July 16, 2007
Mutter this:
This week's Unconscious Mutterings:
1. Situation ::
2. Theme song ::
3. Kelly ::
4. Club ::
5. Swerve ::
6. Couch ::
7. Bigfoot ::
8. Arbitrary ::
9. Inventor ::
10. Blazer ::
As always, my answers in the extended and feel free to play along in the comments!
1. Situation :: Comedy
2. Theme song :: Cheesy
3. Kelly :: Clarkson
4. Club :: Bat
5. Swerve :: Avoid
6. Couch :: Comfy
7. Bigfoot :: Harry
8. Arbitrary :: Meaningless
9. Inventor :: Edison
10. Blazer :: Trail
1. Situation :: room
2. Theme song :: MASH [?]
3. Kelly :: Suburban Blight
4. Club :: Gitmo
5. Swerve :: crash
6. Couch :: potato
7. Bigfoot :: sasquatch
8. Arbitrary :: random
9. Inventor :: marconi
10. Blazer :: truck
Now that I've seen yours, my answers look weird... always happens like that. ;)
Posted by: pam at July 17, 2007 06:23 AM1. Situation :: Normal, All F****** up (SNAFU)
2. Theme song :: ?????
3. Kelly :: girl
4. Club :: DV8
5. Swerve :: squirrel
6. Couch :: potato
7. Bigfoot :: hairy
8. Arbitrary :: legal system
9. Inventor :: Edison
10. Blazer :: hot
1. Situation :: Normal
2. Theme song :: Gilligan's Island
3. Kelly :: Clarkson
4. Club :: Med
5. Swerve :: Sharply
6. Couch :: Potato
7. Bigfoot :: Big shoe
8. Arbitrary :: Law enforcement
9. Inventor :: Edison
10. Blazer :: White
1. Situation :: Upheaval
2. Theme song :: John Williams
3. Kelly :: Irish (World Cup, of course)
4. Club :: Beaters
5. Swerve :: flying car!
6. Couch :: common room
7. Bigfoot :: Crabbe
8. Arbitrary :: Educational Decrees
9. Inventor :: Nicholas Flamel
10. Blazer :: Ginny Weasley