May 04, 2007

The GOP debate

Yeah, I missed it last night (I've watched parts of it, since).  It was pointless.  For two very important reasons:

1. In one hour, 10 guys get about 5 minutes each, which isn't really enough time even for soundbites.

2. No Fred.  Why should I watch a debate over a YEAR AND A HALF before the election if it doesn't even include the guy I suspect I am going to get to vote for?

Turns out, I was entirely right in my thinking about this.  Michelle Malkin, who liveblogged the whole thing was "getting whiplash" trying to keep up.

From what I've seen/ read, looks like (as expected) Giuliani was the big loser.  Didn't prep well enough and stumbled through the few hardball questions he was tossed.  Tancredo may have helped his cause by focusing on his major issue, and the other "small dogs" probably helped themselves by getting their names out there more.  Romney and McCain, the other "tall dogs" either stayed steady or lost a bit.

The whole thing was mostly unremarkable except for the puerile questions.

Sister Toldjah also has a pretty in-depth liveblog post.

If you didn't see it the video is here (behind a commercial, and a disclaimer that doesn't apply), just hang on for the video. When the first video is over, it will tell you which is the next segment, so just click.

On the Fred front, he'll be speaking tonight to a gathering in Orange County, CA, to be shown on C-SPAN.  Catch the best non-candidate in the race live!

Posted by caltechgirl at May 4, 2007 09:50 AM | TrackBack

I think Tancredo looked like a total amateur last night. Even R*n P*ul looked more credible (I can't believe I just typed that, but that's how out of place Tancredo looked to me).

You're exactly right, though--the whole thing WAS unremarkable except for the puerile questions. Worst. Debate. Ever.

Thanks for the tip on the Fred Thompson thing!

Posted by: Beth at May 4, 2007 11:07 AM

Ditto what Beth said: Worst. Debate. Ever.

It was a pointless waste of my time.

Posted by: Janette at May 4, 2007 12:07 PM