January 04, 2007
Still recovering....
I suppose I owe you all an update. Haven't really written anything of consequence for a while. Sorry about that, but I've been a little out of pocket.
Christmas was great. We spent the week in Fresno, enjoying the cold and the fog as only natives or long-time residents can. Santa Claus was particularly nice to us, actually. I got a small (read: $30 on Black Friday sale) microwave for my office and a new bluetooth headset for my cell phone (it looks like a ladybug!). DH got a fishing pole and a tackle box, as he has recently resumed his fishing habit with my dad, aka FishMagnet. We also got to play with the nieces and nephew.
However, the best part of the week was just being able to sleep late and relax and not be on a schedule.
Since we got back, work has been kicking my ass. I did a lot of extra stuff before the break so that I would have it done. Good damn thing I did, because I would otherwise be living at the office trying to keep up! Good thing that microwave was under the tree :-)
I feel highly unmotivated to discuss politics or current events. There's just not much worth mentioning. The Democrats are doing their "In your face" dance, Jerry Ford is still dead, and so is Saddam. Castro is still NOT dead. Using the Koran at the swearing in is literally a tempest in a teapot, even if the bastard is only doing it to make a political point. The shit never changes, you know.
I think you've nailed it on all the politics. It's why I've had such a hard time trying to figure out something to blog lately. Sorry about the extra work -hope things ease up soon.
Posted by: Teresa at January 5, 2007 07:33 AM