May 25, 2006
Reality TV junkie: OD on finales
For once the guy who should have one DID WIN.
Make that for twice. Congrats American Idol Taylor and Top Chef Harold.
And, BTW, no matter how many fancy edits you used, it was clear that Tiffani was SOOO not going to win. Especially after she tried to claim Dave's dessert as her own....
Tiffani! Someone should bake a large piece of dough and stuff Tiffani in it. Glad I'm not the only one who wasn't down with the fancy edits.
Posted by: T-Steel at May 25, 2006 04:50 AMThanks for the spoiler warning on the Top Chef result. I was going to watch that tonight.
Posted by: jen at May 25, 2006 11:10 AM