April 13, 2006

I hate you guys. Especially [Comedy Central]

Just 20 minutes after showing Mohammed in the group shot at the end of the opening credits of the episode, CC pulls a hypocritical BONER and refuses to show Mohamed handing a "salmon helmet" to Peter Griffin in part 2 of South Park's "Family Guy" spoof.

Comedy Central has confirmed that this was a network decision, but somehow I can't help but think this is all part of the plan.....

Predictably, Michelle Malkin, OTB, Captain Ed, Wizbang!, and the Jawas are all over this.

Two thoughts:
1.  LOVED Bart Simpson working with Cartman.  Hell yeah!
2.  You can show Jesus getting pooped on but not Mohammed at the front door?  WTF?

Posted by caltechgirl at April 13, 2006 11:22 AM | TrackBack
You can show Jesus getting pooped on but not Mohammed at the front door? WTF?Christians don't issue fatwahs.
Posted by: Xrlq at April 13, 2006 11:59 AM

Exactly...no Fatwas from Christians. It's all part of a perpetual double standard.

Posted by: American Crusader at April 13, 2006 01:48 PM

I find salmon helmets offensive.

Posted by: Cardinal Martini at April 14, 2006 05:02 PM

You can show Jesus getting pooped on but not Mohammed at the front door? WTF?

I agree with you, a total double standard.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 15, 2006 02:23 PM