March 27, 2006
Blogburst for Guillermo Fariñas Hernandez

Senor Fariñas has rejected food and water for 57 days to protest the lack of freely available, uncensored internet access to the people of Cuba.
57 days. The latest updates indicate that he will die soon.
Join the Blogburst. Spread the word. Read More. Speak Out. Sign the Petition.
You can. You're reading this now, after all.
(technorati tag Guillermo Fariñas, Internet, )
Gracias, mi amiga, por estar a nuestro lado.
Posted by: Amanda at March 27, 2006 07:29 PMMy heartfelt thanks for your support!
Posted by: Fausta at March 28, 2006 06:15 AM