December 26, 2005
Odds and Ends
Well, as usual I come back to the computer to find that momentous events have taken place in my absence. It is with deep sorrow that I report Jack's father, William Martin Grant, lost his battle with cancer this morning. Understandibly, Jack has comments off, but if you know Jack, drop him a note and let him know how much we're all thinking of him and his mom right now.
On a happier note, junior Diva London Avery was born last Tuesday morning to Phoenix of Villains Vanquished and her Prince Charming.
Also, the fair Jen and her Beau are preparing for their wedding on Saturday. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers, especially the Bridezilla
Christmas was good for us. Lots of presents, most notably one of these for DH and one of these for yours truly.
So, was Santa (or the Hanukkah Fairy, for that matter) good to you this year? What did you get (good or bad)?
Posted by caltechgirl at December 26, 2005 08:35 PM | TrackBackThank you very much for recognizing my Dad. He was a good and honorable man who like so many others labored in quiet obscurity trying to make sure his family was provided for while not asking anything for himself, an attitude he had until the very end, thanking his nurses at the hospital every time they did anything for him.
Men such as he are all to rarely recognized, and far, far too rarely thanked. I appreciate your recognition and sympathy of our sorrow. It means a lot to my family and to me.
Thank you again.
Posted by: Jack at December 26, 2005 10:30 PMSanta, or as he is my world hubby was very good to me this year. As well as giving me better pressies than I deserve, he stopped me going into complete mental breakdown, which is good.
As for the pressies, he got me the following:
Two more series of Xena on DVD which means I now own the complete set, confirming my position in nerd world ...
Also two DVDs of an Australian miniseries, which probably is known nowhere else in the world (Ruth Park's 'Harp in the South' and 'Poor Man's Orange', based on her books that I've read a dozen times)
A folder to start organising all my recipes that I have on bits of paper
From other people,got the obligatory food like choccies and the such that I probably will not eat and will not be chucked out until the expiry date as I don't like to junk presents.
Also, some movie tickets that will certainly get used.
Hope you all had a good Christmas.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Jack's father. I don't know him, but any loss is devastating, especially a parent. My thoughts are with him and his family.
As for Christmas, we got a few things, but Brandon made out like a bandit!
I got a new roaster and a couple dvd's I've been wanting. The boy got so many toys he doesn't know what to play with first. Glad your Christmas was pleasant!
Posted by: oddybobo at December 27, 2005 09:26 AMPlease allow me to offer my condolences to Jack, as well. The holidays are rough enough. . .*sigh*
As for your other question? Santa/DH was very good to me. All year. ;) He gave me a baby. LOLL
Seriously, we didn't have presents for each other under the tree; we bought a couch and chair with ottoman for the living room and that was Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, etc. LOL!
The Boy™ got a pressie he was totally not expecting so THAT was fun. He reeeeeeaaaalllly wanted it but I told him NO WAY. Santa overrode my decision and put an iPod Nano under the tree for him. He was, to say the least, STOKED.
He's growing up so fast. *SIGH* I figured that there are very few opportunities to get him exactly what he wants for Christmas left. You know?
He's so sweet - he comes up to me at odd times during the day, still thanking me. :))
All my love,