February 05, 2008

This is the saddest thing I have ever read

Lynne Spears deposition attached to the restraining order against Britney's so-called "Manager".

Horrifying.  Just Horrifying.

This may be the single most heart-wrenching part:

Britney then said again at some point during the night, "When do I get to see my babies?" Sam answered, "Wednesday." Britney then said, "What do I have to do to see them?" Sam responded, "Take the pills I tell you to take." Britney said, "I don't like the pills and I don't like the the psychiatrist. Can't I see anoher psychiatrist so I can see my babies?" Sam responded, "If I told you to take 10 pills a day, you should do what I tell you to see your babies." Jackie (Lynne's friend) then said, "Britney, your parents can help you find a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist needs to get to know you to give you the right medicine." Sam then raised his voice and said, "Why don't uou get back with Kevin."

Britney then said, "I'll do anything to get them back."

It goes on and on and on. According to Lynne Spears, this guy has disabled Britney's phones and cars, stolen her cell phone charger and he hides her dog. He gives her serious anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication with alcohol, and little regard for dosage or consistency.

No wonder Britney is so screwed up. My God.

Posted by caltechgirl at February 5, 2008 04:50 PM | TrackBack

What an asshole. God. I have made fun of that girl for years, but I sincerely hope that she straightens out and does good. She NEEDS some peace.

Posted by: Margi at February 5, 2008 10:45 PM

Sad is right. WOW!

Posted by: Greta at February 6, 2008 07:22 PM

Absolutely horrifying.

Posted by: Dave J at February 6, 2008 07:57 PM