January 29, 2008

Swallowing my bile....

Fred was the man.

Let's face it.  Dropping all the hype and the hyperbole, Fred was the only candidate LIKELY to punch the hippies.  And turn the terrorists into nuclear waste.

Because the truth is, I am a one-issue voter:  National security.  As far as I am concerned, the rest of this bullshit can take care of itself.

Abortion? I could care less what you do with your body

Gay Marriage? See above.

The Economy?  Market forces will foster self-correction.  Together with greed, that's how the market stays afloat, not some shitty presidential policy.

So for me, it's all about Security.  Iraq, terror, the border, all of that.

With Fred out of the race there's no candidate that I trust to have the balls to pull the big trigger.  Period.

Forget the Democrats. They're tripping over their ownselves trying to beat each other out of the middle east, and forget regulating the borders, after all, they want Mexican votes. And they'll say whatever they need to say to get them.

And what about the Republicans?  Huckabee is a whiny-ass pussy, Giuliani is not really sure what he wants, Romney is a slick used car salesman (AND he was Governor of Massachusetts, so his conservative credentials seem rather fake to me), and that leaves John McCain.

Eight years ago, I was on the McCain train when he ran against GWB for the nomination.  Then, he seemed like Fred, the only one who was willing to kick ass and take names.

Which frankly, IS the best job description for the President of the United States, IMO.

Today, I am not so sure.  McCain-Feingold and the Gang of 14 antics, among other things, have made me re-think my McCain-iac status, but all in all, today, I think he's the best candidate with regard to what I consider to be the PARAMOUNT issue facing our nation. He's the only one that I think would NOT be a pussy.

So I'll be supporting McCain.  With a little "s". 

Fred, why oh why were you such a lazy asshole?  You could have won the whole thing.  Late start or no.

Posted by caltechgirl at January 29, 2008 01:12 PM | TrackBack

I heart you CTG.

Posted by: Stacy at January 29, 2008 01:26 PM

I just can't - the whole McCain - Feingold attack on free speech just makes me crazy.

Posted by: Beth Donovan at January 29, 2008 01:40 PM

I feel ya. I really, really do...

Posted by: pam at January 29, 2008 02:06 PM


Posted by: wRitErsbLock at January 29, 2008 02:12 PM

No one was more against McCain-Feingold than me. No one. I was for Rudy before he imploded and Fred was my second choice. But now I'm very much for McCain, for the same reason as you. And because as a Massachusetts Republican in exile, I know Mitt Romney as the slimy two-faced douchebag he actually is. McCain also has the electability factor: he'd blow away Hillary and would be competitive against Obama, while Romney would be the GOP version of Walter Mondale in terms of the kind of electoral college landslide he'd be on the wrong side of.

Posted by: Dave J at January 29, 2008 05:15 PM


Posted by: Bou at January 29, 2008 07:38 PM



I will simply vote Republican...


Posted by: Christina at January 30, 2008 07:58 AM

I like that--little s. That pretty much sums it up. (I'll steal that, by the way--with attribution to you, of course!)

And when one side of the election is energized, and the other is "...well, if I have to vote, oh, well..." you know who wins.

And since the lesser of my two evils on that side is Barack, well, what a strange world. Liberals screaming at the Clintons, conservatives pulling hard for a decidedly liberal Democratic Senator.


Posted by: Tony Iovino at January 31, 2008 04:50 PM

McCain hates america, I'd rather vote for Billary than McCain. I have no idea who I'll vote for, I just don't.

Posted by: oddybobo at February 1, 2008 12:10 PM

If McCain wins the republican vote, I may just vote for Obama or Clinton. At least with them I know for sure what kind of idiocy and incompetency I'm getting in the White House.

Posted by: Contagion at February 2, 2008 06:25 AM

McCain is a wolf in sheeps clothing....I heard just yesterday that he would consider John Kerry for Vice-President. I am all for national security but McCain has too many negatives...

Posted by: Lucy Stern at February 2, 2008 08:16 AM

"McCain hates america..."

Look, you can disagree with someone's politics vehemently without saying something so despicably, outrageously defamatory. No one who CHOSE to spend years in a POW prison rather than be a propaganda mouthpiece for the enemy hates America.

Posted by: Dave J at February 2, 2008 12:55 PM

Oddball, I'm about as staunch a McCain opponent as anyone's going to find, but bashing his military service is just beyond the pale. The man is a bona fide war hero (although the war ended over 30 years ago); I oppose him solely for the things he's done as a politician.

Posted by: McGehee at February 2, 2008 02:35 PM