January 12, 2008

Puppy Update

The little Princess is doing much better.  She's learned to walk to the back door when she wants out, she goes into the bathroom without complaint most of the time in the morning (the bathroom is her "safe room" while Mom and Dad are at work), and she whines for less than a minute when she goes in her crate at night.

So she's out of jail.  But the camera needs to be recharged before I can take anymore super cute pictures, so you'll have to wait a few days on those.

Posted by caltechgirl at January 12, 2008 02:11 PM | TrackBack

Cool; can't wait!!

Posted by: pam at January 12, 2008 04:06 PM

As predicted, Riley did not enjoy smelling puppy on us when we got home. I assured her that puppy was cute and that someday, they could be great friends! It was wonderful spending time with you guys tonight(as always!); thanks for letting us come over and play!

Posted by: Amanda at January 13, 2008 02:36 AM

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Posted by: koko at July 16, 2008 02:14 AM