January 03, 2008

Big Fat DUUUUUUUHHHHHH: Globe responsible for Global Warming

Nature, folks, never underestimate it.

Here's a vocabulary word for you: Albedo

There's a natural cause that may account for much of the Arctic warming, which has melted sea ice, ice sheets and glaciers, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Nature. New research points a finger at a natural and cyclical increase in the amount of energy in the atmosphere that moves from south to north around the Arctic Circle.

But that energy transfer, which comes with storms that head north because of ocean currents, is not acting alone either, scientists say. Another upcoming study concludes that the combination of both that natural energy transfer increase and man-made global warming serve as a one-two punch that is pushing the Arctic over the edge.

Scientists are trying to figure out why the Arctic is warming and melting faster than computer models predict.

The summer of 2007, like the summer of 2005, smashed all records for loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and ice sheet in Greenland. In September, the Arctic Ocean had 23 percent less sea ice than the previous record low. Greenland's ice sheet melted 19 billion tons more than its previous record.

The Nature study suggests there's more behind it than global warming because the air a couple miles above the ground is warming more than calculated by the climate models.

Climate change theory concentrates on warming of surface temperatures and explains an Arctic that is warming faster than the rest of the world as mostly because reduced sea ice and ice sheets means less reflecting solar rays.
I'm no meteorologist, in fact I teach BIOLOGY, but I know this much: the Earth has been around 5 Billion + years. We've been taking samples for 200 years. You do the math. Need more proof? How about this? The Earth turned itself into a complete ice ball and then melted, all before life even emerged on land. So how can anyone say that Global Warming is entirely anthropogenic?

Of course the Apostles of the Church of Global Warming are trying to rip this research apart, but it was published in Nature, probably the MOST respected journal of peer-reviewed publications in the entire scientific community, so there's clearly something to it.  I'll be watching this very closely.

Posted by caltechgirl at January 3, 2008 02:07 AM | TrackBack

And far too often the It's-All-The-Fault-Of-The-Evil-Humans global warming cranks tend to overlook one big factor when it comes to changes in climate: the Sun.

Studies done by Dr. Henrik Svensmark and others have shown that climate changes in the past (think the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods and the Little Ice Age) were preceded by changes in the Sun's output, and not just in the visible spectrum.

I'm more likely to believe that the Sun is the biggest driver in climate change and not we puny humans.

Posted by: DCE at January 3, 2008 06:26 AM

". . . the Earth has been around 5 Billion + years. We've been taking samples for 200 years."

I'm not even a scientist OR a teacher, but *that* has been my reasoning on why GW is bunk ALL ALONG.

Simpleton that I am.

Posted by: dogette at January 3, 2008 05:52 PM

I love reading your posts!

Posted by: vw bug at January 3, 2008 07:34 PM

It's all about The Man controlling to fuel, Man. I mean wake up, dude, and smell the liberal conspiracy.

Posted by: Sarah at January 3, 2008 09:36 PM

Much of the man-made global warming hysteria is driven by greed and/or people who don't take math classes in college jawboning about science they don't understand.

Posted by: cube at January 4, 2008 02:00 PM

Controlling CO2 output means controlling a nations productivity, thus controlling the nation and it's people. Control, and an easy way to soak people for trillions of dollars in "carbon taxes" makes it easy to see why people like Gore and the UN are so quick to claim the debate is "over".

Scam ...

Posted by: darwin at January 6, 2008 08:55 AM

Very very few people say that humans are THE only cause of global climate change.
Is there evidence that the climate has changed before? y/n
Is there evidence that the climate is changing now ? y/n
Is there evidence that the change is increasing temps ? y/n
Is it possible that man is contributing to this change ? y/n

Oh by the way we are expecting temps in the mid 60s here tomorrow Jan 8th in New York City. I guess that pretty much cancels any hope of skating on natural ice in the park.

Posted by: John Ryan at January 7, 2008 11:34 AM

"Very very few people say that humans are THE only cause of global climate change."

If you count the UN, the countries that signed the Kyoto protocol, and Gore and his acolytes as a "few" ... then you're right.

"Oh by the way we are expecting temps in the mid 60s here tomorrow Jan 8th in New York City."

The record high for NYC on Jan 7 is 64 F, 1907. I wonder what Gore's ancestors were saying that day?

Posted by: darwin at January 7, 2008 04:27 PM