May 22, 2007
The Da Vinci Code Review
Ok, so I had been avoiding reading Dan Brown's Da Vinci code. With all of the freaking hype, I just wanted to make it go away. This, in spite of the fact that I have read all of the other novels he's written, and I love them.
The only question I have is why did no one tell me how much I would like this book sooner?
Reasons why below the fold for the 3 of you who haven't read the book and don't want spoilers.
Leaving aside the Jesus and Mary business, and the religious implications of that, this is a hell of a good book.
One of my favorite aspects of Brown's books are the intricate puzzle treasure hunts in each one. Kind of like a Caltech Ditch Day stack, only with higher stakes (no one is going to die if they don't solve a stack puzzle).....
Add to that a happy ending and a fairy princess story (think about it) and this book is so up my alley it's not funny.
Gaaah. I still should have slept on the plane instead!
Posted by caltechgirl at May 22, 2007 08:17 AM | TrackBackI will not be reading below the fold because I've not read the book. I think I'll take a shortcut though, and see the movie. Hubby bought it and he's seen it a bunch of times, but I've yet to see it.
Posted by: Amanda at May 22, 2007 09:12 AMLoved the book, and the movie. Also loved reading Angels & Demons, probably even more so than The DaVinci Code. Great entertainment.
Posted by: c.a. Marks at May 22, 2007 09:18 AMWhile I have not read it, Sweet One has. In fact, she just read it a month or so ago. She also read the next one (or was it the one before).
She had a great time with them.
; )
Posted by: Christina at May 22, 2007 10:07 AMI really enjoy his books. The movie, not as much.
Posted by: wRitErsbLock at May 22, 2007 10:58 AMIt was just okay for me, dawg. I liked it, but I didn't "this lives up to the hype" like it, if you know what I mean.
It also seemed like everyone treated the core concepts as new and shiny and amazing, when it is merely a new fictionalization using existing concepts.
Posted by: Jay at May 23, 2007 02:12 PMI never read the book, but I did see the movie. Of course, it was only because I had nothing better to do, as I'm not a fan of Tom Hanks. I do like Ian McKellen, however.
Posted by: Thomas Warlock at May 23, 2007 08:48 PMI enjoyed the book quite a bit. I like a book that keeps me guessing the next turn of events.
I'm a Catholic, and I knew that most of the stuff was fiction, and not true about the Church at all. But I read it AS fiction. No problem.
Posted by: Mrs. Who at May 24, 2007 08:10 PM