March 02, 2007

I got nothin'

What are YOU doing this weekend?

Posted by caltechgirl at March 2, 2007 11:49 AM | TrackBack

At the moment... trying to stay dry. I know there were several things we were planning on - but at the moment I can't remember a single one. So maybe the plans were all in my imagination. Wouldn't be the first time. Heh.

Posted by: Teresa at March 2, 2007 12:11 PM


Posted by: Emily at March 2, 2007 01:09 PM

Collecting FFO coinages.

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at March 2, 2007 01:25 PM

Oh, nothing... Just having a kid, possibly.

You know, if you aren't going to entertain your readers this weekend, you could send them my way. :)

Posted by: Aaron at March 2, 2007 01:50 PM

Officers' Dine-In...

there will be much consumed. worry not.

Posted by: rsm at March 2, 2007 02:16 PM

I don't know about you, but I know my Saturday will involve wearing a sparkly top that sheds glitter everywhere while singing about white horses' sleeping habits, Johnny's missing bits and parts, and a Canadian who tries to use a river as a voicemail service.

Oh, and I'm getting my hair cut in the morning. I'm thinking I might grow it out to your length or so. Thoughts? (Maybe your DH won't think I have a boy haircut anymore. ;))

Posted by: Kj at March 2, 2007 02:55 PM

Not drunk blogging... sigh.

Posted by: Contagion at March 2, 2007 03:44 PM

Red Bull and Absolut are my partners in crime this weekend

Posted by: Sissy at March 2, 2007 08:34 PM

Oddly enough, I'm doing the same thing as Kj. And cruising for bargain airfare to Rome. Any ideas?

Posted by: ZTZCheese at March 2, 2007 09:00 PM

Tomorrow-housewifey stuff; clean, and declutter.
Sunday-nephew's 1st birthday party, and in the evening, a few people are coming over to watch the UFC fight, which will be recorded on the DVR from the night before so that we don't have guests over until l in the morning.
Somewhere in between-read a case study for school and write a short paper on it, due on Tuesday.

In other words, not much. ;-)

Posted by: Amanda at March 2, 2007 09:12 PM

This fine Saturday morning? Snowed in at home here in Iowa, after a week of the most implausible chain of massive snowstorms, one after another.

By Sunday afternoon, I'm supposed to be on my way down to Dubuque for a few days of study leave.

Them snowplows better get crackin'.

Posted by: Paul Burgess at March 3, 2007 05:47 AM

I'm up in Mammoth, just came off the mountain from skiing.

Moon rise tonight, there is a total lunar eclipse. We'll see the last little bit of it, as Europe gets to see all of it, but stick your head out at moon rise tonight!

Posted by: Bill at March 3, 2007 01:10 PM

Church newsletter, laundry, feeding the girls every five minutes (they *must* be growing), wine... The usual. ;-)

Posted by: Richmond at March 3, 2007 06:13 PM

*empties pockets*
I've got nothin', too.

Posted by: Mrs. Who at March 4, 2007 09:01 AM

When I ain't got much to say..which is damn seldom..I just scan the NY Times..Will Rogers once said that was where he got most of his material..I believe it.

Posted by: GUYK at March 4, 2007 03:44 PM

The same thing I do every weekend: sleep and work. I don't have a life, so that's about the extent of it all....

Posted by: Thomas Warlock at March 4, 2007 05:13 PM

.. yeah, what Emily said....

Posted by: Eric at March 4, 2007 06:17 PM

I came here expecting vitriol! Where's your outrage at what the cheap-skate Blue Devils did to your boy Hansbrough?!?!

Posted by: Paladin at March 5, 2007 02:22 PM