February 27, 2007

Cloudy with a chance of fire alarm

As is usual for a Tuesday morning, DH's alarm went off at 5:30 am. Unusually enough, however, he opened our sliding glass door and woke me so I could enjoy the sound of the rain.  Then he got back into bed and we snuggled with the dog and listened to this morning's storm.

Until about 5:50.  At 5:45 there was a terrific downburst and a great gust of wind.

And then the neighbor's alarm system went off.  The rain had shorted the alarm bell mechanism on the fire system in the townhouses next door.  By 6:05 the firemen were knocking on doors looking for a fire or malfunctioning sprinklers.  Finding none, they left.

Alarm still ringing. E flat, in case you were wondering.

The alarm FINALLY was silenced at about 7:30 am, although I'm not sure if it dried out or they got an alarm repairman in to fix it.

It was a hell of a morning!

Posted by caltechgirl at February 27, 2007 02:04 PM | TrackBack