February 20, 2007

Mardi Gras/ Ash Wednesday

So did you celebrate today?

What (if anything) are you giving up for Lent?

Posted by caltechgirl at February 20, 2007 08:24 PM | TrackBack

I'm giving up moderation.

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at February 21, 2007 07:08 AM

This year, as I find myself embroiled in spiritual confusion while seeking zen and protection in the form of red yarn from what George Bush so eloquently refers to as "evil-doers," I will be giving up Lent for Lent.

Posted by: Emily at February 21, 2007 08:54 AM

both great suggestions. I usually give up Lent for Lent.

Posted by: caltechgirl at February 21, 2007 11:07 AM

Having grown up Catholic I became adept at picking something to abstain from that would please my parents, but that I could do without much sacrifice, like walking to school instead of taking the bus (hah! I loved walking and hated the bus).

Now I just lament the fact that I missed yet another Mardi Gras. Someday!

I do like Ken's idea though.

Posted by: PaleoMedic at February 21, 2007 02:00 PM

I gave up church.

Posted by: Contagion at February 21, 2007 03:58 PM

I gave up moderation a long time ago. Since then my idea moderation has evolved. It's now "Everything in moderation, including moderation."

I'm not giving up on anything.

Posted by: aaron at February 23, 2007 11:48 AM