January 29, 2007
PETA Trial update
Words can not express my sadness and anger at this moment.
The trial of two PETA employees charged with a variety of crimes related to the killing and dumping of nearly 100 animals in Chowan County NC over the last couple of years continues with some disturbing testimony.
The text of a log book used to document the kills is below the fold. It is not graphic, but it is terribly sad. Text is quoted verbatim from PETAKillsAnimals.com
Keep up with the trial here.
Another episode that made some jurors visibly uncomfortable concerned incriminating documents recovered from the PETA van Adria Hinkle was driving when she and Andrew Cook were arrested. At PETA, it seems, the animal-killing isn't complete until the paperwork is done. Hinkle and Cook, it emerged today, kept a "Fieldwork Data Log" describing all the animals they collected and dispatched to The Big Doghouse in the Sky.
Each line on the log has a space to record an animal's breed, sex, age, and condition. Here are just a few of the actual examples read into evidence, as Hinkle and Cook described them:
Breed: Beagle
Sex: Female
Age: 6 months
Condition: Adorable
Breed: Schnauzer
Sex: Male
Age: Born
Condition: Perfect
Breed: BSH [British Shorthair cat]
Sex: Female
Age: 7 years
Condition: Pregnant
Posted by caltechgirl at January 29, 2007 05:39 PM | TrackBackMy God! I had no idea those PETA freaks were that crazy.
Posted by: V5 at January 29, 2007 07:42 PMUnbelieveable!! I'm not a 'PETA freak' but I do believe in humane treatment of any animal! (Kids included most of the time! *L*)
Posted by: Michele at January 30, 2007 05:45 AMMost of the PETA that I have run into are nuts. I have seen them block boat ramps to try to keep people from fishing..and I have also seen some take a swim when they were thrown off the dock by a bearded redneck whose name I will not mention to protect myself.
I remember waaaaaay back in the Dark Times -- this was before we had microwave ovens or digital watches or CDs or cell phones or the number '5', when I was in college, the Petans were a new organization, and they were already recruiting on campus using pictures of sobbing puppies. I sent them $20 as a po' dumb college student. I'd like it back now. With interest.
Posted by: dogette at January 31, 2007 04:58 AMThey're animals. Who cares?
Posted by: Thomas Warlock at January 31, 2007 06:31 PM