January 13, 2007


This blog has often looked at the subject of Karma, perhaps a funny thing for me to believe in, but time and time again it has proved to be exactly how things work.

Today, two examples of Karma, one good, and one bad.

First, good karma in the story of Shawn Hornbeck.  When their son disappeared 4 and a half years ago, Pam and Craig Akers took a proactive role.  They never lost hope, they learned what they would need to do to bring Shawn home, and they formed a foundation to bring information and hope to families in the same situation.  The Shawn Hornbeck foundation has helped many people in the last 4 and a half years.  And today, Shawn is home, thanks to another kid and a pair of alert policemen.  Karma.

Second, bad karma.  You know how every time you call a repairman or have something installed you have to wait for them?  In our case it's a new dishwasher that should have been installed a week ago.  For some reason it had to be installed today instead of last week.

The instructions were that the dude was supposed to call before he arrived so that we could call the landlord, since he had to approve any extra installation expenses.

Well, as you can imagine, he didn't call, and so we had to call the landlord after he arrived.

Which means he had to wait for us. He was not happy. And then when he found out that the landlord doesn't live in our complex he walked out in a huff.

It was all I could do not to laugh.

Karma.  What can I say.

Posted by caltechgirl at January 13, 2007 10:22 AM | TrackBack

Such wonderful news that they found those missing boys today. :-)

Posted by: Richmond at January 13, 2007 11:06 AM

That is wonderful news. And what special people they must be to continue with such hope.

As far as repairmen go, I think they need a little attitude adjustment. I wonder where utility companies and repairmen think their time is more valuable. Yep, I'm going solar and digging a well.

Posted by: Tink at January 13, 2007 12:05 PM

Karma - reminds me that "My Name is Earl" is probably the funniest show on now.

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at January 13, 2007 08:28 PM