December 29, 2006

Lumberjack Down

J.R. Salzman, the blogger behind Lumberjack in a Desert has been wounded in Iraq by an IED.

"it is hard for me to tell you all this but i was hurt by an ied here. my right arm has been amputated below the elbow, my left has four working fingers. my legs are fine so l can still logroll! i am on my way to the hospital in germany, then back to the states for more care. i am in high spirits. i am going to be ok, but i will have a long road to recovery. please remember me in your prayers, as well as those who were injured with me. i will let you know more as time passes."
I never read J.R.'s blog before today, in fact I never knew about it, but I'm a big fan of his from the Great Outdoor Games.  I knew he looked familiar.

J.R. in full battle gear

The Good news is that J.R. is already at Walter Reed, doing the every-other-day surgery thing until the doctors can get his wounds healing appropriately.  His wife and parents are with him.

The Better news is that The Usual Suspects are already at work getting JR a Valour-IT laptop so that he can continue to communicate with the world at large.

Please keep J.R. and his family, and all the men who were wounded with him and their families in your thoughts and prayers

Posted by caltechgirl at December 29, 2006 12:48 AM | TrackBack

Never watched the lumberjack stuff, but the dude is hardcore. He's the real f-ing deal. Hoo-ahh!

God bless.

Posted by: PaleoMedic at December 29, 2006 10:04 PM