August 10, 2006

I am SO done with Michelle Malkin

She called out one of my friends today.  Called her a "sad moonbat" without even reading her post because like we have all been doing, she lamented the new airline restrictions in the UK and the need for them.

Some of you know Helen, and you know she is neither sad nor a moonbat. She may be a self-described "crunchy granola vegetarian", but if anything, my dear friend is almost entirely apolitical.

I too am appalled by the idea that I would have to trust my cellphone, ipod, and laptop to the honesty of baggage handlers; that my nieces and nephew wouldn't be allowed crayons or snacks on a long, boring flight; that I can have my contact lenses, but not the solution I need to put them in my eyeballs; that racial profiling is a cheap shortcut in the battle against terror.

That Malkin calls such honest sadness "whining" and "moonbattery" is beyond me.

I think we should ALL be sad.  I think it should strengthen our resolve to tear these motherfuckers a new asshole.  I think it should make us more focused on using ALL the resources we can to identify the dickwads who would do this and find out what they intend before they do it.

Posted by caltechgirl at August 10, 2006 12:20 PM | TrackBack

Malkin's entering Coulter territory, I've stopped reading her regularly (or with anything other than a grain of salt).

Name calling, while fun, really has no place in politics.

At some point, I'm thinking someone is going to have to have a Sister Solja (sp?) moment with the likes of Malkin/Coulter.

Posted by: KG at August 10, 2006 12:48 PM

Malkin's worse than Coulter. Coulter uses nastier invective, but only after researching her targets carefully to make sure they really did do whatever it is she's attacking them for doing. Malkin shoots in the dark.

Posted by: Xrlq at August 10, 2006 01:00 PM

I read Helen's entry, and later Malkin's, and think she's so totally wrong for insulting Helen like that. I don't agree with all these restrictions, because that's exactly what the terrorists want for us, to live in fear. My only concern is that my DH looks Arab, even though he is Cuban/French, so I sadly expect a lot of profiling in our future...

Posted by: Amanda at August 10, 2006 04:01 PM


Posted by: Jay at August 11, 2006 06:03 AM

Some of us were done with her long ago, and done with the whole blogospheric plague of lockstepism.

Posted by: Jay at August 11, 2006 06:04 AM

The test was because last night it wouldn't allow me to comment, so I saved it and was going to put it in a post if necessary. Yay for it working now!

Posted by: Jay at August 11, 2006 06:05 AM

What's wrong with a little whining now and then?

Some never started with Michelle.

Posted by: aaron at August 12, 2006 05:55 AM

I'm with both you and Helen.

WHen I do travel I have enough Radio Frequency gear, electronic sweep devices and other assorted items for my job that I almost always end up being poked, prodded, searched, and 98% of the time questioned as to what I'm doing when i get somewhere.

I'm positively dreading even the thought of taking on a project over-sea's after this little shindig. I'll make it a requirement to travel by boat. Even if its a damn freighter.

Posted by: BloodSpite at August 12, 2006 06:59 PM

I ran into this attitude the other day.

I commented to someone: "I think I'm done with flying. I'm not worried about being blown up, but I am sick of taking my shoes off, being patted down, etc. And now - when on flights to and from Britain, they won't allow books, at least for now. I can't fly if I can't have something to read while I'm stuck in an aluminum tube for hours upon end. And don't get me started on the no-water rule."

and he pulled the "oooh, then the terrorists win" card. NO. I have chosen not to fly because I am scared but because I am FED UP. There IS a difference.

He also pulled the, "oh, you're just whining" card. Okay then. Say we decide to try to make them "stop hating" us. And part of that requires me to wear a burqa to work. Is my refusing to do that "whining"?

I think there's a point where we have to say, our quality-of-life is worth something. It's okay to be mad as hell because some of the little comforts of life are being taken away and new discomforts added.

I hope for a day when the Islamofascists (and other terrorists) are gone, and we don't have to put up with this crap any more. I don't believe it will happen, but I hope for it.

Posted by: ricki at August 13, 2006 02:32 PM

First you type:

"I too am appalled by the idea that I would have to trust my cellphone, ipod, and laptop to the honesty of baggage handlers; that my nieces and nephew wouldn't be allowed crayons or snacks on a long, boring flight; that I can have my contact lenses, but not the solution I need to put them in my eyeballs..."

Then you conclude with:

"I think it should make us more focused on using ALL the resources we can to identify the dickwads who would do this and find out what they intend before they do it."

That's what they're trying to do, Miss California Tech, but you're too busy CONTRADICTING YOURSELF. When they try to use "ALL the resources" they can, you are "too appalled by the idea."

NO KIDDING it is sad that our lives must be disrupted for Muslim murderers, but I'd rather live a few hours without my bottle of RE-NU or my iPod rather than being annihilated at 30,000 feet.

Perhaps you prefer the Re-Nu and the iPod?

Malkin understands what we're facing. You clearly do not.

Posted by: Mark at August 15, 2006 09:03 PM

Actually, Mr. way-more-interested in being sarcastic, using resources to the best of our abilities means BEING DAMN SMART about what we're doing, not taking away the freedoms of innocent people.

If we start taking these freedoms away, the terrorists win.

People like you and Michelle are giving them EXACTLY what they want: To divide us and then conquer.

Posted by: caltechgirl at August 15, 2006 09:06 PM