July 08, 2006

Your Weekend Flashback

Depeche Mode and the World Trade Center in all its glory, what could be better?

h/t Agent Bedhead

Posted by caltechgirl at July 8, 2006 04:08 PM | TrackBack

....that was kind of sad watching that video...especially where they panned away at the end and you know what happens....

Posted by: Mrs_Who at July 9, 2006 09:42 AM

thanks for that.
i had never seen the video before.

Posted by: wRitErsbLock at July 9, 2006 01:34 PM

OMG... I always feel such a sense of sadness when I see the towers. And here is no exception.... I am both glad and sad to see this.

Posted by: Richmond at July 9, 2006 07:09 PM

wow, that was nuts ... i mean, a. i never saw dave gahan look so at peace with himself ... b. the only video i ever saw of this song a hundred thousand times was filmed on wide open spaces and grassy knolls, and d.g. was wearing some kind of royal garments (i.e. crown & robe), and c. those towers were unbelievable ... when i was a kid in elementary school, i went on at least two class trips there, not to mention the dozens of times i ventured in on my own as i grew up. slimy terrorist bastards. *sucks teeth*

Posted by: erica at July 13, 2006 05:43 PM