January 25, 2006

Is it just me?

Or does the new "Clorox Anywhere Spray" commercial creep you out too?  I mean the woman is spraying the sh*t on clean dishes and FOOD for chrissakes!  On food!  Even their website advertises that you can safely spray this crap on/near your food.

Umm, no.  I don't want to buy your fine product, I'm too busy rewashing all my produce at the moment.  Ewww!

Posted by caltechgirl at January 25, 2006 11:13 PM | TrackBack

I haven't seen it yet.

Posted by: Contagion at January 26, 2006 05:46 AM

I haven't seen it either....however "spraying food"...with it ick

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at January 26, 2006 06:48 AM

That just can't be good for you....

Posted by: Richmond at January 26, 2006 08:29 AM

Haven't seen it, but, um NO WAY! Nothing starting with Clorox will ever touch my food...

Posted by: Marie at January 26, 2006 08:52 AM

When sweetthing and I were in Turkey the medical people on the base recommended that all produce bought on the local economy be washed with a clorox solution to kill e-coli. We didn't but I did peel all of the fruit and cooked the vegestables. I did use the clorix on grapes because grapes are just to damn hard to peel. But once they were rinsed with clean water I couldn't tell they had been bleached.

Posted by: GUYK at January 26, 2006 09:33 AM

I can totally see doing that, as long as you rinse afterward. In the commercial, the woman sprays the stuff on dishes drying in the drainer (presumably to be put away shortly) and on food in the refrigerator, lettuce and something else (that is not usually rinsed before eating, because I remember thinking "you don't wash THAT before eating", like cheese or something).

Also, turns out according to the MSDS that this stuff is far from an "innovation". It's 0.0095% bleach in distilled water.

Might as well just rinse your food and wipe your counters with water. You get more antibacterial action out of the chlorine in regular tap water in some cities.

Posted by: caltechgirl at January 26, 2006 10:34 AM

I am beginning to think that the advertising moguls are all incredibly anal-retentive. It seems that we are all to have pristine, completely germ free homes.

Germs and exposure to them are part of life and normal and even good - how else can children develop immunities to things?

For example, I am an awful housekeeper and our son, Andy, has grown up with a lot of pets and therefore a lot of germs and dirt tracked through the house and dust and who knows what that was *not* immediately cleaned up, and definitely *not* with disinfectants. The result - a 20 year old kid who has missed all of 3 days of school in his entire life.

In other words, my lack of immediate removal of germs gave Andy a lot of immunity.

Posted by: Beth at January 27, 2006 04:02 AM

Doesn't sodium hypochlorite break down quickly? I mean, I'd be more worried about marring the surface of my dishes than about whether residual bleach could hurt me.

Posted by: Sean Kinsell at January 27, 2006 10:14 PM

Mr. Kinsell has it right. The stuff is "just" .0095% bleach and it breaks down to common table salt...
I've tried making dilute solutions of bleach to have around the house (CDC even recommends it!!!)and you know what? Either I end up bleaching my clothes or it doesn't kill anything. Who wants to measure anyway? Plus, the stuff just doesn't last so you always have to make it fresh. I think these guys figured out how to make the stuff keep in a bottle. Drink up!

Posted by: jk445 at February 9, 2006 07:38 PM