January 25, 2006

How F*cking Stupid do you want to be?

According to this article, British women OVERWHELMINGLY woud prefer to be "thin and stupid" rather than "smart and fat".

94%.  F*cking 94%.  I'd say they're already stupid, so all they really want is to be thin....

Yeah, well, as a woman who is both fat and smart, 94% of me would prefer not to be British

Good thing I'm not.

H/T Big Fat Blog, pointed out by Stingflower

Posted by caltechgirl at January 25, 2006 02:00 PM | TrackBack

Oh Hell yeah! I agree with this 100% as a fat and smart chick!

Posted by: oddybobo at January 25, 2006 02:21 PM

I can picture a culture in which looks, size and other physical traits earn you more than intelligence does. In that case, everyone smart enough to qualify as smart and fat may rationally, and accurately, conclude that they'd be better off thin and stupid. Not saying British society is that shallow, just that it could be.

Posted by: Xrlq at January 25, 2006 02:54 PM

ignorance is bliss after all. Why be unhappy with the world and your appearance, when you can be happy with the world and your image in the mirror.

Posted by: Bill at January 25, 2006 03:30 PM

Some people have their priorities screwed up, severly.

Posted by: Contagion at January 25, 2006 04:25 PM

"94% of me would prefer not to be British"

lmao! hahaha

Posted by: Sissy at January 25, 2006 05:43 PM

Yeah, well, as a woman who is both fat and smart...

Aw, you're not fat, you're corporeally gifted. Which goes along nicely with being intellectually gifted.

Posted by: McGehee at January 26, 2006 10:13 AM

So they'd prefer to have neither brains nor brawn. Well, that will make it that much easier when we fat, smart women take over the world. Bwahaha...I mean...gee...I wish I was emaciated.

Posted by: Katie at January 26, 2006 06:16 PM