October 03, 2005
The Harriet Miers Brouhaha
It's been a while since I've weighed in on a political issue. I just haven't had the motivation. Admittedly, I've avoided paying too much attention to any of the foaming-at-the-mouth folks who are completely against this nom. I'm going to try to look at her background and get to know who Harriet Miers is before I decide whether I think she's a good choice or not. Sure, on the surface, I'm a little disappointed, but that's no reason to fly off the handle right away.
Here's my initial thoughts: Is it possible that Harriet Miers is the sacrificial lamb to go before Congress, make the dems look stupid and waste their political capital on the battle? Perhaps Evil Darth Rove has planned this to get her Borked back into her cushy WH job and then he can put up a more well-known, well-qualified conservative jurist who WILL get confirmed.
And who cares if the woman has never been a judge? Three weeks ago you were all singing the praises of a man whose first stint on the bench EVER was as an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, and whose second was as the Chief. That's right, Rehnquist was never a sitting judge prior to his nomination to SCOTUS, so the no bench argument is a non-starter for me.
I would have liked to see Bush nominate someone from a "diversity" background, to show that he recognizes diversity, but without putting a "Ladies Room" sign on the back of the chair about to be vacated by Sandra Day O'Connor. By nominating another woman, he has all but painted the chair pink.
The Usual Suspects weigh in. Some eloquently, some not. You decide.
Patterico and the Angry Clam
Scott Kirwin at Dean's World
Gay Patriot
Captain Ed
Got a link? Leave it in the comments or drop me a trackback. I'll take opinions from all sides.
Update: FrankJ agrees. Why all the fuss? He has some interesting little-known facts about Ms. Miers.....
Posted by caltechgirl at October 3, 2005 12:37 PM | TrackBackWhat's up with the eyeliner?
Posted by: PLD at October 3, 2005 02:41 PMsadly enough, one of my first thoughts was, "If I was gonna be all over the TV, being nominated to SCOTUS and all, I would have stopped to get my hair and makeup done by professionals first....."
Posted by: caltechgirl at October 3, 2005 02:43 PMThat's right, Rehnquist was never a sitting judge prior to his nomination to SCOTUS, so the no bench argument is a non-starter for me.
It shouldn't be a non-starter. How many other Supreme Court Justices can you name who did not have previous judicial experience prior to being appointed? And out of those, how many are Justices any self-respecting judicial conservative would like to see replicated?
Posted by: Xrlq at October 3, 2005 04:10 PMIt's just not the most important issue for me. I'm waiting to see what she says during the confirmation hearings.
I'm more worried that Harry Reid seems to be in love with Ms. Miers.....
Posted by: caltechgirl at October 3, 2005 05:01 PMIt's hard to have an opinion on her this early in the game. My initial response is to give her the benefit of the doubt--Bush has a long history of surrounding himself with people of impeccable character. I did find it somewhat surprising that she had no judicial experience, but like you said, neither did Rehnquist or many others for that matter. It will be quite interesting to see how the dems handle this....
Posted by: Pam at October 3, 2005 08:55 PMWell, I don't know how I found myself here in the middle of a discussion about eyeliner, but, I used to drive a Freightliner. Maybe that qualifies me somewhat. Thought I'd drop my shortcut url> http://tinyurl.com/8p7r3 as I have a new car engine that runs on water (steam) and air (compressed). Maybe once we get off crude oil power you all can buy more quality eyeliner, or, even a Freightliner for after graduation!
Posted by: Climate Engine at October 10, 2005 02:30 PM