August 30, 2005

While I'm on the subject...

Where the Hell is Hollywood?

It took maybe 5 minutes after 9/11 for all of these bleeding heart @sswipes to get on TV and try to help. They'll raise money for starving african children but not one damn dime for our own poor kids so far. It's been 24 hours. I know they're showing the NOLA devastation out here in LaLa Land on the news, so what's up, folks?

Even stars that are linked with New Orleans, the Gulfcoast, or Louisiana, are still mum on the subject. A quick perusal of their websites (these are examples) shows that no one has yet even put up a link to relief efforts.

We're watching you, Hollywood hypocrites!

If you have any examples of Hollywood folks responding to this crisis, leave the link below.....

Posted by caltechgirl at August 30, 2005 12:08 PM | TrackBack

Amen! For that matter, where is France and Germany, (Fermany? Grance? - Swiped that from Lileks) and everyone who bitched about our selfishness during the tsunami?


Where's the WORLD AID?

Posted by: Margi at August 30, 2005 12:50 PM

Good point.
Wouldn't hold my breath waiting.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at August 30, 2005 01:23 PM

Apparently, our buddy in Venezuela has promised to send food and fuel.

Also Canada is ready to provide assistance if we ask for it.

I'm sure Tony Blair will give something to, if we ask.

But let's face it. We can help ourselves. If there is not an outpouring of American generosity towards LA, then we really need to take a new look at ourselves.

Posted by: Bill at August 30, 2005 06:36 PM

Hell, Harry Connick can't do it alone!!! Come ON!!

Posted by: The Chronic Malcontent at September 3, 2005 10:58 AM