June 12, 2005
Sunday Roundup
So sorry for the multiple trackbacks.... don't ask me what MT did, but when I went back to fix a couple of typos, it posted the fixes as new posts....
I've been meaning to do a link roundup for a while, but I haven't had a lot of time. Here's what I've been looking at in the last couple of days:
Did you know Baldilocks is a white male? No really. She is. At least according to How-weird Dean...
SMASH has a roundup of reactions to this morning's SoCal earthquake. The consensus: Nothing to get worked up over.
Jay Tea at Wizbang reports on the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of NH. An Eagle scout with a BB gun.....
Michele has one of the coolest SW fan films ever. I didn't know Chewbacca played the axe, much less such an awesome one....
Rosemary takes the morning off to go see her niece and nephew baptized
Dean asks: What is your idea of the Perfect Album?
The Llama Butchers unearth a rare artifact: The Blogistan High Class of 1984 yearbook. Glad I'm much too young to have been in THAT class. Whoa.
Boudicca has been blogging a whole year!! Go wish her a Happy Blogiversary!
VW Bug had fun at Lion Country Safari with the Tater, the Tot, and some friends.
Anita has some thoughts on recognizing exceptional achievement
O my! Christina is guest-blogging for Sadie this weekend....
Pam has a sweet (tissue warning!) story and a funny story from this week....
Solomon made his first trip to the Zoo ever, and came home with some thoughts about Fathers....
Sean has an interesting take on Gay Pride Month
Laurence has been messing with the template again, and has some more questions for the cats....
I think that's about enough for now....
Posted by caltechgirl at June 12, 2005 03:15 PMThank you for the linky stuff! My husband was really surprised when I said, "Can you believe I've been blogging a year?" I thought for sure hisi response would be more along the lines of, "Phht. Is that all?!"
Posted by: Bou at June 12, 2005 04:48 PMWayyyyy off topic but I wanted to make sure you get this:
I hope I didn't offend you, dear. Seriously. And I really do love the subject. If I had it to do all over again, I would have FOUND A WAY to study mental health.
Posted by: Margi at June 12, 2005 08:12 PM