May 24, 2005


That was the title of tonight's episode of House, and clearly the honeymoon is over.

More in the extended entry...

The title refers to the tell-tale clue that made House realize what was wrong with Stacy's husband. He lies about what he and Stacy did on their Honeymoon, but doesn't realize he's made up the story, leading House to realize that Mark is delusional, a key symptom that he hadn't known about.

Because the diagnosis is rare, and the treatment and test could provoke more symptoms or be fatal, House forced Stacy into his former position, by trying to respect her husband's wishes, even though what she wanted would save his life.

Then she guilted him into doing it. It saved her husband's life. House was forced to confront the possibility that she might have been right when she ordered the surgery on his leg.

There was the interesting and inevitable confrontation between Stacy and Cameron. Which was actually nice. Stacy told her that House was pretty much the same before his leg was hurt, which probably helped.

At the end, Stacy told House that she wasn't over him, and never would be. And that he was "the one". But, she was happy with her husband because he loved her and made room for her in his life.

Stacy will be back. Cuddy offered her a job as general counsel for the hospital.

I almost don't mind the sexual tension, it was so well written and really almost secondary to the rest of the story: What's wrong with him? Will House treat him or kill him? What will Stacy do?

I nearly cried when House tried to walk without the cane in his living room....

Last week was a better episode, but this was good too. Can't wait for next season.

Posted by caltechgirl at May 24, 2005 10:23 PM