May 21, 2005

One more review

Michele, whose Star Wars geekiness surpasses my own solely because she was old enough to go to the theatre to see Star Wars and Empire when they first came out, has a wondeful review up.

Warning: Review Contains Spoilers!

Her experiences with the film are similar to mine. Tears? check. Chills? check.

Plus she has a great sum-up of the scene where Vader gets his mask, and explains better than I can why it doesn't bother me....

One thing I disagree with, Michele's unhappy that Padme names the twins right after they are born. I figure, if Padme (and Anakin) had picked out a boy name and a girl name (planning for either), it makes sense that she would want her children to have those names, and, knowing she was dying, made sure to name her children before she couldn't.

Here's an excerpt (non-spoiler):

Do you want to know how much of a geek I am? I can't believe I am going to admit this here. When the opening scroll started and the music began I actually teared up. I swear to you, there were tears in my eyes and I almost, nearly started crying. And I'm not the only one. There was a palpable sense of relief in the theater when the scroll came up. Like everyone sighed at once. Finally, our questions answered. The closure. The scroll and the music is the beginning of the end, and it's very bittersweet because you know that once the movie starts, you're on your way to it being over. Not just the movie being over, but the whole Star Wars saga that you spent 28 years of your life thinking about and talking about is over.

Go read the rest!

Posted by caltechgirl at May 21, 2005 10:31 AM

I didn't have a problem with the mask scene, but most of the rest of the audience was laughing (yes, again) during the yell/Frankenstein moment.

Posted by: Ith at May 21, 2005 10:41 PM