May 19, 2005
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Conservatives?
There's a subtle political theme in SW Ep III that no one's picked up on yet.
Below the fold (for dialogue spoilers only, no plot spoilers if you've seen Ep. IV)
When Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant, and that she's worried about their safety and careers and everything, he tells her not to worry, because "Every baby is a blessing.", and that finding out he's going to lose everything they've both worked for because of the baby is "the happiest moment of my life".....
Later on, Leia and Luke are both adopted.
George Lucas is the father of two adopted children in real life.
Anyone else see a theme here?
I find it ironic that everyone is SOOO willing to find a lefty political message in this, you know, the whole Emperor Palpatine = Bushitler meme, and all. And yet, hidden in this grand story is another, more human message.
Every life is a blessing. Every life has the potential to make another's better.
Too bad the MSM couldn't pick up on this theme instead.
Posted by caltechgirl at May 19, 2005 10:48 PM