May 08, 2005
utter blasphemy...
(15 minute brain break....)
Why is is that whenever I see the Rancor scene in ROTJ, specifically the part where Luke chokes the Rancor with the bone before crushing it with the door, I always think of Beldar Conehead "narfling" the Garthok at the end of the movie?
Like I said. Blasphemy. Sheer Blasphemy.....
Posted by caltechgirl at May 8, 2005 05:29 PMUhmm, I hate to admit this, but since we've been commenting on each other's blog for a while, I feel I have to share this with you.
I saw Star Wars. On video. And fell asleep. And I haven't seen any of the others, neither se- nor pre- quels.
I just felt you had the right to know, and I understand if you ban me from your site.
Posted by: Tony Iovino at May 8, 2005 06:02 PMGreat, now that's all I'm going to think of when I see that scene. But something tells me that Mark Hamill wouldn't sing as well as Dan Aykroyd.
"Some times I feel..."
Posted by: KG at May 8, 2005 10:00 PMMaybe that's what Follywood calls "homage", ie. theft. Heh.
Posted by: Mr. Kurtz at May 9, 2005 12:19 PM