April 15, 2005

It pays to be with it

Here it is again, Tax day. Most of you probably have not even pulled out the forms. I realize taxes are quite a chore for most people, but for us (no kids, no IRA, no self-employment tax) they're pretty straightforward. So I usually do the forms in February, as soon as I get the W-2s and interest statements. This year I filled them out, figured out what we were getting back, and then promptly forgot to make them pretty (redo them in ink) and send them. Until about a month ago.

See, if you send in your forms on March 15, then April 15th isn't Tax day, it's REFUND day! WooHoo!

State refund was in the mail last night and the Federal refund was in my checking account this morning! Yay!

In case you're wondering, assuming I get a Postdoc, that $$ is earmarked for our moving money for the trek back to Cali.

Posted by caltechgirl at April 15, 2005 01:04 PM

Thou art fortunate... *sigh*

2 W2s
3 Schedule Cs

And naturally, Intuit's Turbotax not only refused to import last year's data but _corrupted_ the data files (I compared them to backed up copies both before and after Turbotax did its evil magic on them... )


What a whacked out piece of software. Ended up taking longer than I used to with a less complicated tax situation doing it by hand.

And when I opened it back up again to print out another copy just recently, TT wanted to calculate and submit my state tax forms... even though I had already recieved verification from the state of their acceptance.

This was a tax year to remember. With disgust.

And so today, on the National Day of Mourning (for all the wasted tax dollars spent on constitutionally illegitimate boondoggles), I once again shaved my beard as a sign of mourning for a moribund Constitution...

Death abd taxes. St Paul asserted that one had been defeated. On some days, I think the Lord targeted the wrong evil for defeat...

Posted by: David at April 15, 2005 05:49 PM

I must say that for a major procrastinator, I've got you beat on this one. We filed on March 1, and received our check on April 1. Last year, we filed on Feb. 1 and got it March 1.
We got a bit lazy this year, but next year it's back to Feb. 1.

Posted by: Amanda at April 15, 2005 09:17 PM

Oh yeah, and ours wasn't too easy.
Hubby had 3 W2's from 3 jobs, my W2, tuition, home purchase, IRA info, etc etc.

Posted by: Amanda at April 15, 2005 09:19 PM

So... you're happy to be getting you OWN money back? Such great ambition I must have. You might not want to read about Tax Freedom Day. 8^0

Posted by: Paladin at April 18, 2005 02:51 PM