April 08, 2005
I thought you'd never ask...
The little silver guy on the rightleft is GIR, he's the stupid but loveable robot sidekick of Invader Zim.
Who, for those of you who have never been blessed enough to see the show, is an incompetent Irken Invader sent to conquer Earth just to get him out from underfoot after he destroyed the Irken homeworld....
This is Zim:

Zim was on Nickelodeon for about a year and is still on Nicktoons every once in a while from what I'm told (too poor for those extra channels, you know?) but it is SOOO not a kids show. It's like Animaniacs, only more twisted. Kids like it, but adults like it even more.
The Nickelodeon Zim site is here, and one of my favorite fan sites is here.
For more Zimmy goodness, drop in on fellow MuNuvian Gir at YourMooseyFate.
The phrase "The Bacon in My Soap" is from one of the episodes, and the audio of the bit is now linked there. Scroll down and click. Zim is the angry one, GIR is the silly one.
The girl with the "gameslave" down below (with the archives) is also from Zim. She's Gaz, the younger sister of Zim's nemesis Dib, and my personal favorite character on the show. I was Gaz for halloween year before last, and my friends were Gir, Zim, and Dib. Very cool.
Posted by caltechgirl at April 8, 2005 04:30 PMYes! The series was great; probably my favorite episode involved Zim deciding he needed to get human organs inside his body before visiting the school nurse, and if one spleen was good, 4 must be better.
Posted by: owlish at April 9, 2005 12:32 AMIn my browser, the little silver guy is on the left.
Is this one of those IE versus Mozilla things, or is it because I'm in France?
My favorite episode, hands down is Pustulio. Second place: Gir Goes Crazy and Stuff. But they're all good.
Posted by: caltechgirl at April 9, 2005 01:17 PMWell, he didn't "destroy" the Irken homeworld. He set a lot of fires, blew up supplies, infrastructure, etc. Which pretty much destroyed Irken plans for galactic conquest. What was the name of the operation? "Impending Doom" or something like that? Well, Zim's the reason why the operation name in the 1st episode is "Impending Doom II". :)
("I put the fires out." "You made them -worse-!" "Worse, or -better-?")
My current favorite is Game Slave. Gaz is scaaaaaaary.
("AAAAA-hey, how did you write that when you're out there?!")