April 18, 2005
Cheesy flicks
Stolen from Blackfive and Harvey....
What Movies are you embarrassed to love?
Well, that could be quite a list....
Pure Country
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Sixteen Candles (several of you can guess why)
Deuce Bigalow
Big Daddy
Nothing to Lose
The Mask of Zorro
Remo Williams (heck yeah, Blackfive)
I'm sure there are more. This list is just a start.... What are yours?
April 20, 2005
Star Wars time waster
Found this from Aussie Wife Amanda. Click on the link and it takes you to a flash game where you can listen to snippets of SW music and decide which movie they're from. You can choose OT (classic Star Wars films) or Episode II.
I got all of the OT ones right after about 1 second each. Yes. I am a Star Wars nerd. Yes, I went to all of the premieres of the rereleases at Mann's Chinese. With my hair in appropriate Princess Leia hairdos. No, I will not wear the metal bikini.
April 27, 2005
I think I've had this cold before. It makes your thumbs hurt too.
See below the fold....
Read More "Ah-Choo!" »May 04, 2005
Today and Every Day...
May the Fourth be with you.
This stays on top all day. New content below.
May 08, 2005
utter blasphemy...
(15 minute brain break....)
Why is is that whenever I see the Rancor scene in ROTJ, specifically the part where Luke chokes the Rancor with the bone before crushing it with the door, I always think of Beldar Conehead "narfling" the Garthok at the end of the movie?
Like I said. Blasphemy. Sheer Blasphemy.....
May 11, 2005
Legos and Star Wars, what could be better?
Check out Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Brick here
(h/t Flap)
May 16, 2005
When 900 years old you reach...
... look this good you will not!
(h/t: Boba Fett)
May 17, 2005
In other Star Wars News....
Not real accurate, but hey, I don't usually do horoscopes anyway....
Star Wars Horoscope for Scorpio |
![]() You are a powerful character. Star wars character you are most like: Han Solo |
(h/t Jenna)
May 18, 2005
In honor of Star Wars Ep III
Alright, I suppose they should have been "sepratists" or "jedi" or "clones" but most normal people don't include those words in their recipe titles, so we're going OT.
Two recipes this week:
First, from Emporer Palpatine:
Imperial Pork Salad
Makes 4 servings.
1/4 cup vegetable oil, divided
1/2 pound lean pork, cut in
bite-size pieces
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup California raisins
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 fresh ripe plums, divided
4 cups shredded lettuce
1/4 cup chopped cilantro or parsley
Sliced green onion; for garnish
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in skillet. Add pork and garlic.
Saute over high heat 1 minute or until pork is no longer pink. Add raisins and stir in remaining oil, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch and ginger. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Cube 1 plum and combine with lettuce and cilantro in shallow serving bowl. Spoon pork mixture on top.
Quarter remaining plums and arrange along side. Sprinkle onion slices overall.
And from the Alliance:
Rebel Angels
Makes 4 servings.
1 pound bacon
2 tablespoons onion powder
2 tablespoons dried oregano
2 tablespoons dried basil
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon ground white pepper
1 tablespoon ground cayenne pepper
5 tablespoons paprika
1 pound large shrimp - peeled
and deveined
1 Cut bacon strips into thirds. In a large saucepan fry
bacon 5 minutes, they should remain somewhat limp (bacon is
not yet fully cooked).
2 Combine onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, basil,
thyme, black pepper, white pepper, cayenne pepper, and
paprika in a medium sized bowl. (To regulate the spiciness of
this dish use the white pepper and cayenne pepper to
taste). Coat shrimp with the spices.
3 Wrap bacon around shrimp, secure with toothpicks.
4 Fry shrimp in saucepan over medium heat until bacon is
crisp and shrimp are pink. Serve hot.
Everyone else is doing it...
So I'll link this too. Go over to Ben's place if Ith or Deb haven't sent you already and read about his feelings for Star Wars, and his amazing kitsch collection. No kiddin'. Three sets. I'm not surprised. You should see some of the other cool 80's stuff in that house......
BTW the crazy fanatics he mentions at the end of the post are yours truly and my DH....
May 19, 2005
Good thing Survivor's over
Husband got 2 tickets for tonight at 8pm!
Did I mention it's raining so hard it sounds like a pressure washer on my front windows? Holy cow!
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Conservatives?
There's a subtle political theme in SW Ep III that no one's picked up on yet.
Below the fold (for dialogue spoilers only, no plot spoilers if you've seen Ep. IV)
Read More "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Conservatives?" »My Review of Ep. III
Five Words: Lucas really pulled it out!
More below the fold..... (SPOILERS)
Read More "My Review of Ep. III" »May 21, 2005
One more review
Michele, whose Star Wars geekiness surpasses my own solely because she was old enough to go to the theatre to see Star Wars and Empire when they first came out, has a wondeful review up.
Warning: Review Contains Spoilers!
Her experiences with the film are similar to mine. Tears? check. Chills? check.
Plus she has a great sum-up of the scene where Vader gets his mask, and explains better than I can why it doesn't bother me....
One thing I disagree with, Michele's unhappy that Padme names the twins right after they are born. I figure, if Padme (and Anakin) had picked out a boy name and a girl name (planning for either), it makes sense that she would want her children to have those names, and, knowing she was dying, made sure to name her children before she couldn't.
Here's an excerpt (non-spoiler):
Do you want to know how much of a geek I am? I can't believe I am going to admit this here. When the opening scroll started and the music began I actually teared up. I swear to you, there were tears in my eyes and I almost, nearly started crying. And I'm not the only one. There was a palpable sense of relief in the theater when the scroll came up. Like everyone sighed at once. Finally, our questions answered. The closure. The scroll and the music is the beginning of the end, and it's very bittersweet because you know that once the movie starts, you're on your way to it being over. Not just the movie being over, but the whole Star Wars saga that you spent 28 years of your life thinking about and talking about is over.
Go read the rest!
May 23, 2005
Music Question for the Masses
Who else saw the Millenium Falcon (pronounced Fawl-con) cameo in SW ep. III? I didn't until we saw it again yesterday afternoon.
I guess that was Lando, huh?
BTW points to the first person who can tell me where the post title comes from. My DH doesn't get to play.....
Update: edisoncarter scores a win with "Depeche Mode: Music for the Masses"

May 25, 2005
Couldn't resist
Green is your Lightsaber's color.
Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth,
harmony, and freshness. Green has strong
emotional correspondence with safety. Green is
also commonly associated with wealth and
happiness, so someone with a green lightsaber
like yourself is a fortunate soul.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
From Ith
October 12, 2005
Citizen Chewbacca
British actor Peter Mayhew, best known as Han Solo's hetero life mate Chewbacca will become a US Citizen on Monday.
"Mayhew, 60, played the fur-covered warrior Chewbacca in the original "Star Wars" trilogy of the 1970s and 1980s, and the latest movie, "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.""I got married to a Texan lady. That more or less decided it," said Mayhew, who has been married to his wife, Angelique, for six years.
When he takes his oath to become an American, Mayhew said he'll recite what he can remember and "it will be a Chewie growl for the other parts.""
November 03, 2005
More Po-Mo?
Star Wars is the greatest post-modern art film ever?
As Star Wars works to make us aware of its own narrative structure, other odd things about the films start to come into focus. Most significantly, we start to notice that the films are an elaborate meditation on the dialectic between chance and order. They all depend upon absurd coincidence to propel the story forward. Just what are the odds, in just one of near-infinite examples, that of all the planets in that galaxy far, far away, the droids should end up back on Tatooine, in the home of the son of the sweet (if annoying) boy who had built C-3PO decades before? Throughout all six films there are scenes of crucial serendipity. Such dependence on unlikely coincidence isn't unique to Star Wars. As literary critics have long pointed out, the arbitrary yoking together of events in the service of storytelling is one of the fundamental characteristics of all narrative. R2-D2 needs to hook up with Luke on Tatooine, just as Prospero's enemies need to wash up on the shores of his island, and Elizabeth Bennet needs to marry Mr. Darcy, for the narrative requirements of those stories to be fulfilled. The audience's willing surrender to narrative coincidence is demanded by the story's need to conclude itself.
(h/t Michael Stickings posting at TMV)
November 08, 2005
These are not the captions you're looking for...
This kind of thing makes you wonder whether the translator's an idiot or the Chinese just think Americans are idiots.
More screenshots here.
h/t Mean Ol' Meany
February 13, 2006
Duh. What else would I be?

You scored as Star Wars: A New Hope. You are the film score to Star Wars: A New Hope. You accompany a multi-movie story of a rebellion lead by Jedi knights against a mighty, yet ultimately vulnerable, empire. Your stirring orchestration set a new standard for movie scores and transformed your creator John Williams into a household name and taught people to admire a muppet.
What Sci-Fi Film Score Are You? created with QuizFarm.com |
found here.
May 04, 2006
Mark Your Calendars!
This will be a limited release until December 31, 2006
Lucas is still a bastard. He wouldn't do this except that it will make him more money than all his other VHS/DVD releases combined.
h/t DaF at INDC
June 22, 2006
Not only do these guys sound pretty good, they have a cool name and awesome taste in costumery:
You know, when I was a kid, I always thought Darth Vader would be black under the mask....
h/t Dean
July 23, 2006
Hangin' with Bloggers
The BFL'ers of SoCal got together at Little Miss Attila's house last night for some fun, food, and a lot of laughs. Present were Flap and Mrs. Flap, Baldilocks, Darleen Click and hubby, Portia, The Pirate, and Dr. Rusty Shackelford.
I can publish an actual picture of the good doctor for the first time on the nets:

Dr. Rusty Shackelford (L) and GMT (R) pose with the recognition of their mad blogging skillz.
September 12, 2006
Today's the Day!
So much so that I ran out and picked these up before work today to be sure they wouldn't be sold out:
The ORIGINAL THEATRICAL VERSIONS. You know, where Han shoots first.
May 25, 2007
May 25, 1977
Happy Birthday Star Wars!
So, did you see it on opening day? I was 6 months old then, so the answer is NO for me. In fact I didn't see one in the theater until Return of the Jedi.
How has Star Wars affected/changed YOUR life?
May 31, 2007
June 26, 2007
Here's some good news for a change
The Shackleford clan has increased by one. Mrs. Rusty gave birth via C-section to a healthy daughter earlier today. Drop by the Jawas and give Rusty and family some love.
I sure hope she takes after her mom. Dad is on the left, below:

August 30, 2007
My Movies
Both my darling blogchild and the crew at Dean's World have been hashing out a list of movies you can see over and over again.
I have a few of those myself. In our house they're called "Movies I can fall asleep to".
See I have this thing with movies. If they get really predictable, or really embarrassing for the main character, I skip it. Fast Forward, skip, turn off, you name it. I won't sit through it. Consequently, there are VERY FEW movies I can sit through more than once without skipping through, let alone enjoy over and over and over.
The funny thing is, those movies somehow migrate to the bedroom. I'm a slow-sleep insomniac, and (like everything else with me) contrary to the usual advice of removing distractions from the sleep zone (aka no TV in the bedroom), TV actually distracts my brain enough to let me fall asleep. Especially things I've seen before. So we have a rotating stash of movies that live in the DVD player in the bedroom and get pressed into service in conjunction with the 90 minute sleep setting on the TV just about every night.
So, without further ado, movies I can sleep to:
White Christmas
Blazing Saddles
Star Wars
Return of the Jedi
Fellowship of the Ring (either disk 1 or 2; but not Twin Towers. I always want to skip the "Sam and Frodo" parts too much)
Return of the King (Disk 2 works better... less Sam and Frodo)
Kill Bill vol 1
Kill Bill vol 2
The Blues Brothers
South Park
Team America
A Christmas Story
Fiddler on the Roof
Disney's Robin Hood
I'm certain there are more, but these are the ones currently in the DVD case in the bedroom.
November 13, 2007
Even Darth Vader has to eat sometime...
At the Death Star Canteen.....
I love Eddie Izzard. This is a great bit!
h/t Denny
November 15, 2008
March 11, 2009
May 04, 2010
Today and Every Day

May the Fourth Be With You!
And just for fun: SW Wedding Cakes (love the top one!)