The First Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Review!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows hasn't been made available to the press yet, but the Baltimore Sun obtained a copy and has posted a review (link not necessarily spoiler-free) (SPOILER-FREE QUOTE!):
Readers could enjoy Rowling's temporary, folksy fix for chasing away the blues (eat chocolate) while applauding the more permanent balm she offers: Concentrate with all your might on the events and people that have made you happy.
Book seven is no less penetrating, but it lacks much of the charm and humor that distinguished the earlier novels. Even the writing is more prosaic, less fanciful.
But, how could it be otherwise?
By book seven, Rowling is no longer inventing her magical world. Here, characters are accustomed to it, so it holds few surprises for them -- and by extension, for us.
In addition, Harry and his friends are no longer children. The early books, in particular, were enchanting because we could watch Harry and his friends struggling with exceptional powers, which they had not yet mastered. So a young witch or wizard would mount a broomstick for the first time and promptly be bucked off. It wasn't unlike watching real boys and girls take their first steps or learn to read -- skills every bit as magical and mysterious as casting a Summoning Spell.
By the end of the article, she does give away some minor spoilers, so read the
whole thing at your own risk.
Spoiler stuff below the fold for the brave amongst you!
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I am a spoiler whore, so I have been scouring the interwebnets for DAYS looking for whatever I can find. Not to spoil others with, just because I am IMPATIENT. You should have seen me before Ep I of Star Wars.
Highlight to read the spoiler stuff, I don't want people spoiled inadvertantly!
The review seems to confirm the epilogue .jpgs posted all over the web, and if it's true, that means there WON'T be a dent in my wall come Saturday afternoon, because BY GOD if Ron or Hermione dies, I will hurl the book in whatever direction happens to be the way I am facing.
Also, FWIW, I've read through about 1/3 of the "carpet" book (700+ jpgs purported to be the real deal. No, I won't give you the link, it's been taken down since I downloaded it anyway) and if it's not the real deal, whoever wrote it should get a contract. Seriously.
If it turns out to be a fake, and Ron or Hermione DOES bite it, I'm going to print out the .jpgs anyway, and read that version instead. FOR EVER.
No shit.
Anyway, with regard to the "carpet" book leak, so called because of the nasty carpet behind the book, and to distinguish it from another DIFFERENT purported leak that first appeared on flikr, wow. There's character development, and plot twists and unexpected deaths and all kinds of moments where you feel yourself sucked in, like Harry in the Pensieve. If it isn't real, someone did a hell of a job faking it, and I haven't even read the middle of it yet.
Yes, I read the beginning and then skipped to the end. I wanted to know who lived and who died. Sue me.
The living (in this version):
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, McGonagall, Hagrid, Malfoys (all 3), Mr & Mrs Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, George (minus an ear), Ginny, Pigwidgeon, and others.
Notable deaths (in this version):
Hedwig, Moody, Snape, Remus, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Nagini, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Dobby (I have heard, I haven't read that part yet.
And Hermione turns out to be right: being kind to house elves IS important. Kreacher turns out to be very important.
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Posted by caltechgirl at
06:49 PM
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Emerging from my Harry Potter Haze...
Of course, I was done with HP7 on Thursday night, courtesy of the dude who photographed the "carpet" book. Thanks, bud. You rawk.
We did go out yesterday morning and get 2 copies, and I finished it with DH yesterday evening (we were reading aloud).
To make up for it, we set ourselves up for some more serious house work, and this morning we nearly finished the front room.
But this evening I am going to snuggle back up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and re-read a few favorite moments.
So, what did you love? What did you NOT love? Spoilers sure to abound in the comments, if you're a slow reader.....
My own thoughts in the extended:
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It was the Dumbledore subplot that convinced me about the "carpet" book's validity. No fake would have that kind of unexpected doubt or develop a dead character that fully.
The Snape bits were no surprise on the other hand, I pegged it YEARS AGO that Snape was a good guy because he loved Lily.
I was concerned about the Hary/Ginny romance but it makes more sense after reading the book, and well, I was just wondering how many pages it would take for Ron to wake up and kiss Hermione.
Did anyone else catch the Star Wars moment at Gringotts? These are not the wizards you're looking for..... Although the Force is a lot smoother than a Confundus charm. Gringotts was actually my LEAST favorite part, and I wifh H/R/H had done more, rather than just sitting in a tent waiting for something to happen.
Oh, and YAY NEVILLE!!!!!!! I always knew he'd prove himself the truest of the Gryffindors!
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Posted by caltechgirl at
04:09 PM
Comments (6)
Questions for J.K. Rowling
Not that she'd ever even find my humble little site, but I know we all have burning, unanswered questions about things in the Hogwarts Universe. Let's discuss, shall we?
Mine below the fold, and spoiler-iffic discussion (hopefully) in the comments!
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1. What the heck is Neville's Patronus? I'd love it to be an animated mushroom or some such, reflecting his love of herbology. What about Hagrid's? I'd guess it would be a dragon.
2. What happened to Umbridge? Did she die? Was she punished? Was she a Death Eater in the end?
3. Who in hell would ACTUALLY marry Draco Malfoy? I mean really.
4. What's the deal with Patronuses anyway? I mean the animal represents someone who loves us or who we love, right? Or some character quality we embody? Dumbledore's was a phoenix: Fawkes; Harry's was a stag: his dad; Snape's was a doe: Lily (and evidently hers was a doe because she loved James); Arthur's is a weasel, etc. So why is Ron's a terrier, and Hermione's an otter. Odd choice, that. Anyone got any ideas?
5. Does anyone else feel like there was a lot cut out? For example the Dursley part? or maybe scenes at Hogwarts? If so, BAD EDITOR. BAD. We'd have bought it even if it was the same size as frigging War and Peace!
6. Who else loved the references to other literary worlds? The speaking patronuses (The Golden Compass series), the horcrux worn around HRH's necks making them grumpy and then trying to kill Harry in the pond (LOTR), the scene with the Probity Probes at Gringotts (Star Wars, of course).... Any others I missed?
7. This one's more of a statement, but I actually get the whole deal with Kreacher. He didn't just turn around 180 degrees overnight. HRH won him over because they asked him to continue to be loyal to Regulus' last task for him. And fighting Voldy was, in fact, Regulus' last mission for him, in a way. So he could continue to serve his old master by serving Harry, which is what brought him great joy and allowed him to respect HRH.
Perhaps more later in the comments....
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Posted by caltechgirl at
01:57 PM
Comments (9)
Best HP7 review comment yet
Courtesy of Nightfly, of course.
Below the fold for the 3 of you who haven't read the book
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Neville rocks so wicked hard I have to go beyond grade O [Outstanding, as in OWL/ NEWT grades]. Fact: cutting off Nagini�s head with the sword of Godric Gryffindor is AWESOME. I waved a lit Zippo over my head while twelve ninjas started wailing on guitars. Bonus points � this means that tool Griphook lost the sword AGAIN.
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Posted by caltechgirl at
12:06 PM
Comments (5)
So which House are you?
The Grand Poobah of Harry Potter Goodness, aka SarahK (finish the darned review already!) has a quick and dirty quiz to help you choose a house at Hogwarts without benefit of the Sorting Hat.
My answers in the extended.
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[x] You�ve never done drugs.
[x] You have a lot of friends.
[ ] You get along with everyone.
[x] You love football.
[x] You love baseball.
[ ] You�re into writing and art
[x] One of your favourite music genres is rock.
[x] You believe in �innocent until proven guilty� theory.
[ ] One of your favourite colors is red or gold.
[x] Good grades at school.
[x] One of the worst things you can do is lie.
[x] You plan on going to college.
[ ]You�re content with mostly everything in your life right now.
[x] You laugh a lot.
[ ] You like to follow trends.
[ ] Politics suck.
[ ] You love to swim
[ ] Water polo is awesome.
[ ] Pink is one of your favourite colours.
[ ] Black is morbid & depressing.
[x] You�re an optimist.
[x] You�re very emotional.
[ ] You believe in going steady at a young age.
[ ] You haven�t made fun of anyone this month.
[x] Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship.
[ ] You�re depressed to a certain extent.
[x] You love to read.
[x] You appreciate theatre & arts.
[ ] Sports suck.
[x] Hate is completely unneeded.
[ ] Indie is one of your favourite genre of music.
[x] Every once in a while you have little anger outbursts.
[x] Lying is sometimes okay.
[ ] Blue is one of your favourite colours.
[x] Knowledge is the key to power
[x] Sarcasm is the best kind of humour
[x] People should know what they�re talking about before they talk.
[x]There�s at least one person you hate.
[x] Basketball is a good sport.
[x] Football is amazing.
[ ] Black is a cool color.
[x] You�ve lied about something serious
[x] You�re a very deep person
[ ] You are not very loyal.
[x] You like heavy metal.
[x] You make school seem more important than it is.
[x] You�re scared to grow up.
[ ] Anger is one of your primary feelings.
[ ] You have trust issues.
[ ] Guilty until proven innocent.
Total: 8
Evidently I'm not a Hufflepuff, and I should be a Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw or Slytherin would be fine, too.
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Posted by caltechgirl at
11:56 AM
Comments (4)
Tell me this is more than just a rumor!
JK Rowling may have picked up her pen again.....
J.K. Rowling has been spotted at cafes in Scotland working on a detective novel, a British newspaper reported Saturday.
The Sunday Times newspaper quoted Ian Rankin, a fellow author and neighbor of Rowling's, as saying the creator of the "Harry Potter" books is turning to crime fiction.
"My wife spotted her writing her Edinburgh criminal detective novel," the newspaper, which was available late Saturday, quoted Rankin as telling a reporter at an Edinburgh literary festival.
"It is great that she has not abandoned writing or Edinburgh cafes," said Rankin, who is known for his own police novels set in the historic Scottish city.
I love Scottish detective novels! And I love JKR, too. This ought to be AWESOME!
Posted by caltechgirl at
07:50 PM
Comments (2)
And the name is...
As in: Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody.
Thanks to everyone for chiming in (especially wRitErsbLock for posting the name)! It was a really hard decision to make, since it's a little close to our resident cat's name (Arthur), but sometimes that's just the way it goes.
Posted by ztzcheese at
09:05 PM
Comments (2)